Wednesday, September 15, 2021


Trailers are shown at the cinema, on TV and online with poster campaigns and radio campaigns also giving wide coverage for new film releases. Dedicated trailer sites and official film websites often carry trailers that have been cut for a general audience and are suitable for viewers of any age, whereas trailers shown in the cinema usually correspond to the classification of the film being screened. When people watch live TV people usually tend not to watch or concentrate during the adverts shown. This is because people only tune in because they want to watch the show and they have no interest in the adverts and trailers screened. Often it is not important to them and they tend to go off and do other things or are distracted by other forms of
Overall, people tend to watch TV more than going to the cinema. This could be due to timing difficulty or some people prefer to just watch TV series rather than watching one individual movie. If a trailer for a film is cut for a general audience viewing could be dissatisfying for older audiences. This is because people who want to watch 18 rated films are signing up for watching some sort of violence or things you tend to see in 18's. If there wasn't this entertainment that they wanted to watch is is likely to dissatisfy the audience. When people watch a DVD people often fast forward to the beginning on the film and ignore all the previous adverts and trailers. This is because people signed up for watching the film and they don't care about anything else shown, they want to get straight into the action.

The Teaser Trailer:
Is a shorter and faster paced version of the trailer that is released prior to the full trailer. It is used to excite audiences and attract audiences. It is normally the first form of marketing that is released. The point of the teaser trailer is to give audiences a brief story line and only small elements of the movie are actually screened.

The Main Trailer:
Main trailers give audiences a more detailed plot of the story line including a lot more narrative giving audiences more information about what is going to happen in the movie. Often they are slower paced than the teaser trailer but it depends on the genre. Sometimes action and dramas are fast paced in editing but others are much slower and detailed.

TV Spots:
TV spots are much shorter version, are often not story focused and are more focused on creating an impression. They either last 10, 20 or 30 seconds. They appear on online services like Netflix. They contain the most exciting lines and shots that will be in the movie.

Using Graphics:
There are two types of graphics that are used in trailers. One being 'copy' and the other being 'pedigree'

Copy - will help tell the story of the movie. Some trailers have lots of copy in the. This is often used when the story is quite complicated to tell so the copy helps point to certain aspects of the story that are important.

Pedigree - graphics from the studio and are about things like distributors and companies. (Paramount Pictures, 20th Century Fox)

Trailers in the Digital Age:
Trailers in the digital age are more about visual elements and sound quality. The producers are aware that things will sound different on different devices. A trailer will sound better if it was screened at a cinema rather than on a mobile or laptop. Production companies are also adapting trailers to suit a variety of devices.

1 comment:

  1. Very good research with excellent use made of the FDA's Teaching Trailers resource.
    One aspect that I found very informative was when Skinner told us that the advent of digital, online and social has had a very tangible effect on trailers: in a cinema theatre, audiences have 5.1 surround sound or Dolby Atmos, which is a very immersive sound with sound 'moved around' the theatre; equally, the 30 foot-wide cinema screen allows for great detail. However, both sound and vision comes across in a reduced way for audiences of trailers on online, digital and social. Therefore, two mixes of a trailer are prepared.



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