Wednesday, September 8, 2021


I have started further research into trailers using the FDA, Teaching Trailers online course, from which these resources come,

I watched the trailer for Booksmart before considering the following questions about trailers in general.

The marketing campaign for a film is the different ways in which the film’s ‘message’ is presented to potential audiences.

1. What do you think are the major elements of a film marketing campaign? T
aking as example, the marketing campaign for Black Panther, marketing covered a huge spread, from all the convergent links on the BP film website such as social media links, as well as merchandise, film formats like DVD, BluRay film trailers, posters and connected events such as star appearances.

2. Where might you expect to see each of the different parts of the marketing campaign? In cinema (trailers) and on TV; online (film website with convergent links to twitter, instagram, youtube, blog posts by influencers and fans; TV and chat shows; newspaper reports and features; P&A (quad posters, fleet media, cinema lobby posters); radio shows; magazine articles.

3. What factors make you want to go and see a film? How do you decide which films to see? For me the trailer plays a big part in whether i want to go and see the film or not. Having a gripping trailer will either make me watch it or push me away. The genre conveyed through the trailer also helps with my decision. Posters also play a big part to see certain directors and actors that are starring in that particular film which will lure me in to watch it.

During my study of the film industry last year, i learnt about how both Hollywood majors and UK independent films created different marketing campaigns to reach and engage their audiences. A film marketing campaign may cover many different ways in which the film's message is presented to potential audiences.


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