Friday, November 26, 2021


For our film OFF THE LEASH we wanted to create a line of merchandise. This is useful because it creates it supplies two key elements. First of all, the money involved. If people are looking to buy our products, we will be earning money from these sales. This allows us to recoup some of the costs involved in the production of the film. It also increases the profitability of the film. The merchandise allows for free marketing. If consumers were to purchase a product, that product is then exposed to the public. If customers were to walk around in public with one of our products like a phone case or t-shirt, lots of people are going to see it, giving the film 'free' marketing. When people see the film art, or even just the title, they will associate it with our film and it means they are likely to visit our social media platforms or look at content related to the film. Some of the products that we are offering include phone cases and T-shirts. Both the products come in a variety of sizes and colours, allowing for a wider range of consumers. We want to allow everyone to access and use our products, so offering a wide availability means we are more likely to sell the product.
Phone Cases



I took up the task of running a Tik Tok account for our film - OFF THE LEASH. This allowed me to set up the account and make videos to show the public. I took the art from our various social media profiles and used it for our profile picture. This is so that everyone that sees the video and sees the account will be able to see our movie art. I created a Tik Tok account because the platform is one of the most used in the world. Releasing videos on this platforms allows our content to be exposed to lots of people. Tik Tok is used by a younger age group so I made our first video with this in mind. I wanted to create a fun and dramatic video to keep the audience interested. With the younger age audience, they are more likely to become uninterested quicker. Because of this, using fast paced editing and loud music will keep the audience interested throughout the duration of the short video. Throughout the video I added a series of short intertitles. I showed that this project was from the same people that created SUSPECT. This can lure in former audiences of the previous film and we will have an already built up audience.

Tuesday, November 23, 2021








Monday, November 22, 2021



Risk Assessment

Hazard Proposed

Hazard posed to whom

Risk Level

How Risk was Controlled

Journey to location of filming.

Walking from Esher to the woods  and back from to Esher from the woods– cars.



 Travelling via train to and from Esher – big step between train and platform, fast moving trains, public behaviour.









 Travelling via car to and from Esher – be aware of other drivers and pedestrians.

All 4 of us.








Sam, Finn















 Ben, Matt

























We took extra care when travelling to our site of filming, always looking both ways when crossing a road.


Sam and Finn will take extra care when entering and exiting the train making sure to check how big the gap between the train and platform is. Make sure to stand behind the yellow line on platforms. Avoid public confrontation.


When driving always check your mirrors and stick to the speed limit to reduce chance of accidents. Always look for pedestrians.

First Aid

Tripping/falling when filming in the woods.






Falling ill/sick

Lack of vision - animal masks greatly reduce vision.

All 4 of us








All 4 of us

All 4 of us











Take care when walking on uneven surfaces. We will carry plasters at all time to accommodate for any cuts.


Taking appropriate measures to help individuals who feel unwell i.e. calling their parents or getting them water.

Walking slowly through woods when filming.

 General public

Theft - drone, laptop, phones.


All 4 of us









All 4 of us



Always carry items in a zipped up bag and never leave unattended when filming. Always checking we still have our valuables.


We will walk through public areas as a group of 4 in order to look less approachable. Will not speak to any other members of public.

 Public incidents

 Terrorism - caught up in terrorist activity leading to injury or confusion.

COVID-19 lockdown - preventing us from filming.

 All 4 of us

All 4 of us



 We will follow given government guidelines and be aware of our surroundings so we do not get lost. Make sure everyone knows emergency contacts if needed e.g. 999.

Making sure everyone follows covid-19 government guidelines and not breaking the law. Waiting until after the lockdown to continue filming.

Friday, November 12, 2021


For our trailer OFF THE LEASH we wanted to create a sequence of shots, showing protestors holding banners and placards. Therefore, I needed to make relevant props for this scene using different technology. 

The first prop I created was the placard. A placard is something you see in almost every protest so we thought we would make the relevant props. During the construction of this prop, I had time to think about the message we wanted to present. I found spare wood of different sizes which allowed us to piece the placard together. I nailed two flat planks of wood together and then used a sharpie to write the message. The first message showed "Boris Lied People Died". The message on the other side showed "Freedom". These messages would be relevant to the topic of our trailer about lockdown and the outrage caused from it.

For the second prop, it was a more complicated and advanced prop. I obtained a large piece of white cloth and cut it to the correct size needed for our catchline. Creating a stencil using a Computer Aided Design software. After we created the stencil we stapled the stencil onto the white cloth so that it wouldn't move and the lettering would be precise.  I used a red spray paint for the lettering "Transparent Animals" and then used black spray paint for the outline of the crow. I used a crow on our banner because one of the animals in our trailer is a crow and I felt that the crow framed the words nicely and also looked intimidating. Our trailer consists of animals like penguins and pandas which I experimented with,  however they weren't as intimidating as the crow which we ended up using. Overall I thought the props came out very successful and will be effective in our trailer.





Thursday, November 4, 2021


I started by investigating how brands define audiences in preparation for creating my own audience for my production. For example, I saw how Bauer Media, NME and Sky defined audiences. This helped my produce my audience profile.

To plan how to reach your specific target audience you need to know who they are and what their interests are. You create an audience questionnaire to research the age, gender, ethnicity and social class of your target audience. You also find out what their media needs and wants are so that you can create a film that will satisfy them. Ultimately in order to market your movie you have to find out the best way to reach your target audience. To show how your research has helped with your planning, you have answered the questions below with pictures to support your post. 

1. Who is my primary target audience?

15 - 25 unisex

2. What kind of films and television are they likely to prefer?

Our audience are likely to prefer horror films like, The Conjuring and The Blair Witch Project

3. What platforms do they choose to watch films and where are they likely to see information about films?

My audience would have access to streaming platforms like Netflix and Amazon Prime in order to watch films. The audience are going to be exposed to advertisement and information about films on social media sites like Instagram, Twitter and FaceBook.

4. What brands do they prefer?

I feel like our audience would be interested more of the mainstream, popular brands. They would wear popular sports brands like Adidas and Nike and be interested in the mainstream music artists. To access screenings they are most likely to visit the Odeon.

5. What makes my film stand out from the competition?

One of our USP's for our film is the found footage we use. Found footage allows our audience to feel connected with the characters as we watch the film through the eyes of one of the characters. With the audience feeling a connection to the characters allows them to create a rapport with them and it feels more personal.

. Why should my audience watch my film? 

My audience should watch my film because it's not traditional. It is not the same as other horror movies, and my film will keep my audience hooked throughout.



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