Friday, November 26, 2021


I took up the task of running a Tik Tok account for our film - OFF THE LEASH. This allowed me to set up the account and make videos to show the public. I took the art from our various social media profiles and used it for our profile picture. This is so that everyone that sees the video and sees the account will be able to see our movie art. I created a Tik Tok account because the platform is one of the most used in the world. Releasing videos on this platforms allows our content to be exposed to lots of people. Tik Tok is used by a younger age group so I made our first video with this in mind. I wanted to create a fun and dramatic video to keep the audience interested. With the younger age audience, they are more likely to become uninterested quicker. Because of this, using fast paced editing and loud music will keep the audience interested throughout the duration of the short video. Throughout the video I added a series of short intertitles. I showed that this project was from the same people that created SUSPECT. This can lure in former audiences of the previous film and we will have an already built up audience.

1 comment:

  1. Very good work.
    You have chosen TikTok as your social media marketing platform because of its popularity with the target age group of your film and also because it has been taken up by a variety of brands that usually engage with older audiences, in their attempt to reach younger audiences. Such brands include the BBC, the WHO and Duolingo who now use the platform as well as film studios, such as Warner in its #GodzillaVsKongRoar challenge.



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